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Conquering Spring Fever


Conquering Spring Fever

Spring Fever 2021 is definitely going around. And it’s more contagious than ever, after the year we’ve all experienced. The arrival of Daylight-Saving time means longer, brighter—if not quite warmer—days that have us itching to be outside and moving. By now, we’re masters of Coronavirus restrictions, masks, and social distancing, so tackle spring fever by getting up and about. Pacific Surgical Center can make sure you do so safely and pain-free. Doctors nationwide admit that “The novel coronavirus pandemic is disrupting every aspect of life—and exercise routines are no exception. COVID-19 closures of parks, gyms, and fitness studios are making it harder to exercise. However, exercise is important to maintain health, prevent weight gain, reduce stress, anxiety and improve sleep. […]

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The Shared Footprint of Pacific Surgical Center and Pacific Surgical Institute

The best partnerships benefit everyone involved. Ideally, all parties thrive through their similarities and unique strengths. Longview’s Pacific Surgical Center and Pacific Surgical Institute may share a physical footprint and closely related names, but each provides specialized medical care in a way that is a win/win for patients visiting one or both locations. Pacific Surgical Center performs outpatient surgical procedures focusing on orthopedics, podiatry, urology, gastroenterology, and general surgery. They use the latest techniques and equipment and are dedicated to up-front, clearly posted transparency pricing. The larger Pacific Surgical Institute is home to PSC as well as Longview Urology, Pacific Imaging Center, Longview Orthopedic Associates, Longview Physical & Sports Therapy Services, and Interpath Labs. They also focus on outpatient treatment […]

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Get On Your Feet This Winter

Combine autumn’s cold, wet weather with sunsets falling during the 4:00 p.m. hour and you get a MAJOR case of the blahs. Even without the quarantine mandates of COVID-19, this time of year we’re trapped indoors more than we’d like. And, let’s face it, for much of that time we’re sitting (usually in pajamas, often in front of a screen or two). There’s not much we can do about the weather—or global pandemic—but small changes to our routine really can make a world of difference. The Mayo Clinic explains that “When you sit, you use less energy than you do when you stand or move. Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns. […]

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Celebrating Autumn at Pacific Surgical Center

It’s time to wave goodbye to those long summer days and balmy, open window nights. Autumn is here whether we like it or not. As we age, the transition between seasons is all too familiar….just don’t jinx it by wishing friends and neighbors a good fall. Wet weather makes it tough enough to stay balanced and upright as it is. If you or someone you love is injured or needs surgery, consider Pacific Surgical Center’s outpatient care to get back on your feet again. Summer seems like it would be the most injury-prone season. We’re outside running, playing, hiking, biking, climbing, gardening, swimming, and exploring long into the night. Behind the wheel, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration confirms that […]

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There Is No Place Like Home After Outpatient Surgery

For many people, the thought of surgery causes anxiety. They worry about the associated pain, unexpected complications, and financial sticker shock afterward. But you shouldn’t postpone a much-needed procedure due to worry; consider an outpatient facility instead. These, like Longview’s Pacific Surgical Center, provide excellent medical care with upfront pricing and no overnight stays. Officially the deep-seated fear of hospitals is called Nosocomephobia. Anxiety researchers in the U.K. admit that “Most people have experienced a certain level of sensible anxiety when faced with the prospect of medical or dental treatment, especially when it is invasive.” But, they continue, with a medical phobia “we tend to avoid the things we fear…until we find that our ability to live a normal life […]

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Groove and move, even while 6-feet apart

Two young men out on a hike

Ok, by now we’re all experienced quarantiners. We wear masks, stand 6-feet apart, and work from home via the all-consuming—and mixed blessing—video conference. Don’t just zoom from your desk chair, get moving around the house, neighborhood, park, or trail…all while maintaining a smart social distance. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services stresses that we should all stay active. They address ways to stay active while social distancing by reminding us that “physical activity can help to boost your mood, reduce stress, improve sleep, and sharpen your focus—benefits that can be especially important during stressful times. Physical activity can also help you live a longer, healthier life by reducing the risk of many common chronic diseases, like type 2 […]

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Staying mentally strong in chaotic times

Man in poor mental health state crouched in corner

The poet Kahlil Gibran once said that “Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it.” Situations beyond our control inevitably arise but how we face them determines much about our happiness, outlook, and future. Especially because—as intertwined human beings—our emotions wield influence and can cause physical pain, lingering stiffness, and other anxiety-induced problems. But there are a few simple ways to maintain balance during tempestuous times. Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) explains that “Most people feel anxious or scared sometimes, but if it’s affecting your life there are things you can try that may help…Anxiety can cause many different symptoms. It might affect how you feel physically, mentally and how you behave. […]

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Recovering from surgery as we age

Sitting in front of a fire with a hot drink

Scheduling surgery can be exciting and scary at the same time. We may worry about the operation and recovery process while still feeling excited to finally solve an ongoing, painful problem. As we age, these worries often increase…but they don’t have to. Surgery—especially outpatient orthopedic procedures like those performed at Pacific Surgical Center (PSC)—is nothing to fear no matter how old you are. Don’t postpone it and continue living in pain or with limited mobility. The American Society of Anesthesiologists admits that “While being older makes surgery more likely, it can also increase your potential for risks during procedures. Some common health problems related to aging—increased blood pressure, clogged arteries, and heart and lung disease—may make it more likely that […]

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New Year, New Deductible

Doctor performing surgery

Save money by paying cash at Pacific Surgical Center We love the thought of ‘New Year, new you’ but sometimes January arrives with a harrumph. The weather isn’t great, our bank account has the post-holiday blues, and getting back into the swing of things—work and exercise top the list—takes time. If you find yourself heading to the doctor, take note that your insurance deductible will likely have re-set as well. But thanks to options like Pacific Surgical Center (PSC), paying cash often saves money all around. explains that our deductible is “The amount you pay for covered health care services before your insurance plan starts to pay. With a $2,000 deductible, for example, you pay the first $2,000 of covered services yourself… Family […]

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Being a Good Steward of Your Health: Honesty, Curiosity, Advocacy

Elderly couple riding bikes in grass

In our hustle and bustle lives, it can be tricky to find time for preventive care. We tend to power through until something inevitably—and often avoidably—breaks down. All too often the warning light on your car’s dashboard could have been prevented through regular oil changes. Our bodies give us warning lights as well, but they tend to be much more subtle. Miss the cues and next thing you know you’re stuck in bed with the flu, laid up by surgery or living with chronic pain. Take a few minutes with your doctor to chat about questions, worries, and what’s on the horizon…your health will thank you. Many of us only go to the doctor when there’s a specific reason. Illness […]

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