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Let PSC’s Dr. Lauder Give You a Helping Hand

Anthony Lauder


Let PSC’s Dr. Lauder Give You a Helping Hand

Anthony Lauder

Life is all about repetition. Our day consists of chores, routines, work, and play that take a toll as the years go by. Add in outdoor activities, computer keyboards, and portable devices and our poor hands don’t stand a chance. Thankfully Pacific Surgical Center’s (PSC) Dr. AJ Lauder is here to help. He is a Board-Certified Orthopedist who focuses on wrist, hand, and elbow surgery in all its forms. Dr. Lauder has been a surgeon for the past 12 years, 8 of those with PSC. Dr. Lauder completed his medical school and residency programs in 2005 but went on to a hand surgery fellowship at the University of Washington. He now specializes in fractures and reconstruction of the hand, wrist, and elbow. […]

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Total Knee Replacements Give Your Knees a Second Chance

When a machine runs smoothly, we almost forget it’s there. The same is true of our body’s often overworked joints. Whether through aging or sports injury, our knees take the brunt of physical movement and everyday wear-and-tear. Five of the top seven sports injuries are leg-related and many arise from repetitive movement. Even if your activity is limited to walking—chasing a golf ball, window shopping, or wrangling the dog’s daily exercise—our knees can cause problems as we age. At Longview’s Pacific Surgical Center (PSC), orthopedists offer “advanced, minimally invasive treatment for most musculoskeletal (bone, muscle, joint, cartilage, ligament, etc.) disorders or injuries. Each doctor is highly trained and experienced and uses the latest surgical technologies across all orthopedic specialties.” Furthermore “At PSC, […]

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Pacific Surgical Center’s Dr. Tony Lin Helps Keep You Moving

Our bodies are complex machines. And like most machinery, we don’t always know why things break…until they do. Whether athlete or accident victim, constantly moving or preferring a quiet life, the day will come when your knees, shoulders, and creaky joints need attention. At Longview’s Pacific Surgical Center (PSC), Dr. Tony Lin is ready and willing to address any and all orthopedic needs. His extensive training, education, and experience are paired with a passion for transparency pricing and first-class patient support. Dr. Lin has traveled extensively but never lost focus. “I was born in Taiwan and immigrated to the United States at a young age. I grew up in California and was fortunate to travel to different parts of this […]

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Healthcare Bluebook – Stop Overpaying for Medical Care

We’ve all heard the sayings ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’ or ‘don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.’ This is true for everything from routine oil changes to your daily workload. In a nutshell: procrastination benefits no-one. Now there’s an easier way to address medical issues that not only saves you aches, pains, and lost work, but money as well. The Healthcare Bluebook is an online resource with one simple goal: “By combining the best cost and quality data with industry-leading usability, Healthcare Bluebook provides people and organizations with everything they need to be more effective healthcare consumers.” Like the automotive Kelly Blue Book and other consumer research portals, Healthcare Bluebook’s overall […]

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Why Choose an Ambulatory Surgery Center for Your Outpatient Procedure?

Sometimes a simple outpatient procedure can end months or years of pain, limited physical mobility, or reliance on medication. Longview’s Pacific Surgical Center (PSC) is “the only ambulatory surgery center in the area that handles orthopedic, urologic, gastrointestinal, podiatric and general surgical procedures. At PSC, our mission is to provide exceptional surgical care…with greater convenience and a more affordable cost.” The Ambulatory Surgery Center Association explains how they are changing the face of medicine; “Ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) are health care facilities that offer patients the convenience of having surgeries and procedures performed safely outside the hospital setting. Since their inception more than four decades ago, ASCs have demonstrated an exceptional ability to improve quality and customer service while simultaneously […]

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Alaskan Patients Find Convenience and Top-Quality Care At Pacific Surgical Center

Naturalist John Muir said that “To the lover of wilderness, Alaska is one of the most wonderful countries in the world.” An avid explorer, his passion for our 49th state is boundless. “In these coast landscapes, there is such indefinite, on-leading expansiveness…Tracing shining ways through fiord and sound, past forests and waterfalls, islands and mountains and far azure headlands, it seems as if surely we must at length reach the very paradise of the poets, the abode of the blessed.” But this beautiful, often-harsh environment can make finding a doctor difficult. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that Alaska’s population per square mile is 1.2 (yes, you’re reading that correctly!). This means residents needing medical care find themselves repeatedly traveling long […]

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Pacific Surgical Center Welcomes our Neighbors to the North

Americans aren’t alone in their struggle to comprehend the healthcare conundrum. Our neighbors to the north must wade through plenty of medical jargon and red tape too. Though their coverage is universal, it has limits on what is allowed and—more importantly—when. With that in mind, many Canadians visit outpatient clinics in the United States, like Longview’s Pacific Surgical Center (PSC), because of their skilled surgeons, transparency pricing, and rapid turnaround. While available to all citizens, Canadian healthcare “must adhere to the Canada Health Act (1985), which in turn sets standards for ‘medically necessary’ hospital, diagnostic, and physician services.” Unfortunately, research shows this means the average wait time between referral and treatment has increased to 21.1 weeks in 2017. Need testing done beforehand? “This year, […]

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Dr. Peter Kung: Healing Sports Injuries from Within at Pacific Surgical Center

The poet Ovid claimed ‘Time is generally the best doctor.’ That may be true for broken hearts, bumps, and bruises but when injuries are more severe, a skilled physician is called for. At Longview’s Pacific Surgical Center, Dr. Peter Kung is the man to call for any and all orthopedic, knee, shoulder, and sports-related treatment. Knees and shoulders often bear the brunt of sports injuries. Whether you’re a regular athlete or weekend warrior, don’t ignore these vital areas. While some aches and pains can be treated with RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation), others should be diagnosed and repaired by a trained sports injury specialist. Dr. Kung started in the orthopedics field as an undergraduate. Initially focused on biochemical engineering, […]

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Don’t Let Sports Injuries Slow You Down

Whether training for a marathon or doggedly sticking to New Year’s Resolutions, exercise isn’t always easy. Young or old, novice or pro, we’re all susceptible to sports injury when using our bodies to their limits. In a recent study, the CDC reported that “Clinicians and public health advocates frequently promote physical activity to maintain health and reduce the risk of obesity…As more people engage in sports and recreation activities, injuries resulting from these activities pose an increasingly important public health concern.” These injuries can include sprains, strains, fractures, and dislocations. Some are easily fixed with heat, ice, and rest—or a combination of all three—but others require skilled medical intervention. At Longview’s centralized Pacific Surgical Center (PSC), you’ll find outpatient surgical […]

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Transparency Pricing at Pacific Surgical Center in Washington- The Solution to Your Healthcare Woes

Pacific Surgical Center in Longview Washington is providing a revolutionary service within the healthcare industry: transparency pricing. Being at the forefront of this movement in the United States is very exciting for us and represents the ability to help our patients with simplified medical care. We serve patients from all across the United States and even from Canada and internationally. We’re an outpatient facility offering specialized surgery options at rates that are actually affordable for our patients. Many patients that take advantage of this service either do not have health insurance, have high deductibles with their health insurance package, or are facing an extended waiting period before they can get their surgery scheduled and performed. We are often able to […]

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